Thursday, October 16, 2008

Past performances: The Marketplace

A Picture taken during our performance at The Marketplace, KL. (Photo taken by Max)

From left Ben, Ash, Wee Han, Brian, Ezra

The marketplace was cool, classy, and portrayed sophistication in every corner.

Young Artists, poets, and writers came to share their works that night.

It was great. The wine, cig smoke filled air gave us the scent of rich life in KL.

When our turn to perform came, we were nervous as the others there were all so talented. Ash, Wee Han and Ezra performed that night. It was an acoustic version of the songs.

So we played 3 songs from our upcoming EP that will be released in December soon (I've Mistaken, Breathing, This Part of Me).

After playing we realized that we had done a great job. Our band, scheduled to only play one song ended up playing 3 songs due to the audience shout for encores.

All in all, a Good Night.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Song: This Part of Me Demo

Sixth Day Philosophy- This Part of Me (Demo Version)
Note: Please go to
here to listen to a clearer version of the song

2008-2009. All music is copyright of MetaFX Music Lab Sdn. Bhd.

This song writes the thoughts and emotions of Ezra's friend Louise.

This Part of Me Lyrics

Verse 1:
She was here here but now she's gone
the memories add up to none, Hey...
She just wants somebody there
to understand her
to find a name that's worth the call

But who... is there...
to dry her eyes
to hear her sigh

Ooh... She knows i know

That this part of me
is torn and broken
The heart in me
has turned to stone
And i believe
that you will find out
The part of me
that's all but whole

Verse 2:
She would smile as she would cried
she's strong but weak inside, Hey...
She just wants somebody near
to figure out the
life that's been so meaningless

Played by: Sixth Day Philosophy
Written By: Ezra

2008-2009. All Lyrics are copyright of Metafx Music Lab Sdn. Bhd.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Recording is a tough job. Requires full concentration and great sacrifice. The band is currently recording their songs and hope that our friends and family will support us.

Our objective:
1) To set the standard to what Malaysian music should sound like.
2) But most importantly, to play songs that Malaysian youths can relate and be touched by.

A Band's gotta eat. (Having dinner outside the recording studio)
Brian: I feel so hunger. My England good or not?

A Tribute to Xiu Han, Richard, and Max

This is a tribute to our beloved members Xiu Han, Richard, and Max. You guys will always be a
part of our band's no matter if we fail or succeed.

Thank you for taking us this far and we will always remember you guys when we perform.

Xiu Han-
Performing for unplugged winners Ex-boyfriends with his brand of emo-singing. His parents came during that night and are extremely proud of him.

Rocking the crowd during a performance in Holiday Villa, Subang with his super punk rock style!

On the drums during our jamming session. Always hardworking and never gives up :)

Sixth Day Philosophy is greatful to the musicians above and hope that you guys will one day be succesful in life! We wish you all the best!

Sixth Day Philosophy Band Members

Band Members

Wee Han-
Guitar, Vocals




Guitar, Song-writing

Note: Sixth Day Philosophy will no longer be referred to as "they" in this blog. From this post onwards, the band will be referred to as "we".

Band Genesis Chapter: 8

Wee Han was waiting in his car waiting for his friend in college. He noticed a voice. A voice so subtle yet so strong.

Like a mouse tracking the scent of cheese, his ears led him towards the song-bird. And there he was singing under the tree. And I mean literally under a tree! Wee Han was hooked. He parked his nearby and observed.

The singer under the tree was Ash. And it turned out that he was practicing for a singing competition in TARC. Ash had one of the best voices that an 18 year old could have. His voice was sweet yet strong. Not to mention that he can sing damn high.

After watching him perform on the night of the competition, Wee Han introduced Ash to the band and he became the band's vocalist.

And so, Sixth Day Philosophy was born. Note: Please refer to Sixth Day Philosophiy's friendster profile to learn how the band got their name.

Band Genesis Chapter: 7

Ezra the band's composer had always been writing songs and the band brought the songs to play during their jamming sessions. So the band planned to record the songs.

Recording would mean that members had jam constantly and also fork out quite a large amount of cash.

The hectic schedule and financial burden forced Xiu Han-vocals to leave as the subject he was enrolled in required strict discipline and tough concentration. Being restricted to a tight budget did not help much either.

Another empty space to fill... Untill...